IIT People Search

Siddharth Nimbajirao Deore

Robotics Control Engineer
Support Technician
Humanoids & Human Centered Mechatronics
Research center

Title: Masters in Space and Astronautical Engineering
Institute: Sapienza University of Rome
Location: Roma
Country: Italy
From: 2017 To: 2020


Title: Laureato in Ingegneria Spaziale e Astronautica
Description: Has successfully completed, within one or several partner institutions of the PEGASUS network, a prescribed programme of study giving him/her the skills required to the exercise of the Engineering profession in Aeronautics or Aerospace.
Date: 26-01-2021

Title: Second Level Master Degree in Space and Astronautical Engineering
Description: Recognized for Second Level Master Degree in Space and Astronautical Engineering in the year 2020 AIDAA Centennial Anniversary
Date: 26-01-2021