IIT People Search

Veronica Penza

Advanced Robotics
Research center

Title: Master in Biomedical Engineer
Institute: Politecnico di Milano
Location: Milan
Country: Italy
From: 2010 To: 2013

Title: Ph.D. in Bioengineering
Institute: Politecnico di Milano and Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
Location: Genova
Country: Italy
From: 2013 To: 2017

Experience External

Title: Visiting PhD Student
Institute: University College London, Surgical Robot Vision group
Location: London
Country: UK
From: 2016 To: 2016


Computer Vision

Augmented/ Virtual Reality

Machine Learning

Robotics and System Integration

All Publications
Penza V., Neri A., Koskinopoulou M., Turco E., Soriero D., Scabini S., Prattichizzo D., Mattos L.S.
Augmented Reality Navigation in Robot-Assisted Surgery with a Teleoperated Robotic Endoscope
IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp. 4621-4626
Conference Paper Conference
Koskinopoulou M., Acemoglu A., Penza V., Mattos L.S.
Dual Robot Collaborative System for Autonomous Venous Access Based on Ultrasound and Bioimpedance Sensing Technology
Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, vol. 2023-May, pp. 4648-4653
Conference Paper Conference
Soriero D., Batistotti P., Malinaric R., Pertile D., Massobrio A., Epis L., Sperotto B., Penza V., Mattos L.S., Sartini M., Cristina M.L., Nencioni A., Scabini S.
Efficacy of High‐Resolution Preoperative 3D Reconstructions for Lesion Localization in Oncological Colorectal Surgery—First Pilot Study
Healthcare (Switzerland), vol. 10, (no. 5)
Article Journal
Geraldes A., Penza V., Mattos L.S.
Towards a Compact Vision-based Auto-Focusing System for Endoscopic Laser Surgery
IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp. 9461-9466
Conference Paper Conference
Penza V., Cheng Z., Koskinopoulou M., Acemoglu A., Caldwell D.G., Mattos L.S.
Vision-Guided Autonomous Robotic Electrical Bio-Impedance Scanning System for Abnormal Tissue Detection
IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, vol. 3, (no. 4), pp. 866-877
De Mattos L., Penza V., Barresi G.
La medicina intelligente: l’intelligenza artificiale a servizio della sanità
Ciclo di Incontri UniGeSenior - Intelligenza artificiale e IT: sviluppo e prospettive della comunicazione tra passato e futuro
Public Event
Penza V.
APSurg: Abdominal Positioning Surgical System
Digital Edition Rectal Cancer: Today ... ready for the future, Interactive Surgery.
Public Event
Penza V.
Tecnologia e Chirurgia: un Duo Vincente
Single Port e Microlaparoscopia - Update in Chirurgia Mininvasiva
Public Event
Penza V.
Tecnologie Innovative per la Chirurgia Robotica
Festival Internazionale della Robotica - La Robotica nella Formazione dei Giovani Chirurghi
Public Event
Scientific Talks
Mattos L.S., Penza V., Koskinopoulou M., Azam M. A., Casella A.
Applications of sensors, AI and Deep Learning for enhanced awareness during medical procedures
Hamlyn Symposium 2022 - WS on Recent Advances in Autonomous Surgery: emerging AI technologies towards machine consciousness and robotic awareness in the surgical field, June 26, 2022
Penza V.
Vital Dyes: what are these?
9th CRAS + 30th SPIGC joint conference
Enayati N., Penza V., Moccia S., Mattos L. S., De Momi E., Ferrigno G.
Constrained Minimally Invasive Surgery
Workshop on Frontiers of Endoluminal Robotic Surgery, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems
Penza V.
La robotica in sala operatoria
Workshop NEXUS. L’incontro tra macchina e umano nell’immaginario, nella tecnica e nella scienza contemporanei
Awards and Achievements
Penza V., Cheng Z., Koskinopoulou M., Acemoglu A., Caldwell D. G., Mattos L. S.
"Best Session Paper Award" for the work Vision-guided Autonomous Robotic Elec- trical Bio-Impedance Scanning System for Abnormal Tissue Detection and Tracking
Cheng Z., Penza V., Ortiz J., Caldwell D., Mattos L.
BEST SESSION PAPER AWARD: "Vision guided Autonomous Robotic Electrical Bio-Impedance Scanning System for Abnormal Tissue Detection and Tracking"
Penza V., Mattos L.
"New Surgical Technologies Competition Finalist" APSurg: Abdomnial Positioning Surgical System.
Penza V., Mattos L. S.
Finalist in Life Sciences category with the start-up project APSurg: Abdomnial Posi- tioning Surgical System
Penza V.
"Istituto di BioRobotica" PhD Thesis Award with Study of Computer Vision Al- gorithm to Enhance the Surgeon’s Capabilities in Robotic Minimally Invasive Surgery.
Organized Events
Penza V., Koskinopoulou M., Mattos L., Nguyen A., Zhou X., Huang B.
Recent Advances in Autonomous Surgery: emerging AI technologies towards machine consciousness and robotic awareness in the surgical field
Penza V., Koskinopoulou M., Mattos L., Nguyen A., Zhou X., Huang B.
Recent Advances in Autonomous Surgery: emerging AI technologies towards machine consciousness and robotic awareness in the surgical field